Naruto New World English Wiki
Naruto New World English Wiki

Urashiki Otsutsuki  is one of the characters of the Ninja Way . As a member of the Otsutsuki clan, and an advanced user of ranged combat, we can deal massive damage to others while ensuring chakra regeneration.

Urashiki Otsutsuki
Kekkei Mora's maximum skill level value increases by 150 levels.
Pros +Our attacks take 5% of the opponent's maximum chakra.

+Each Alien part increases our ranged damage by 5%.

Cons -Armor lowered by 30%.
Difficulty 10
Price 1000 Yang or 50000 Yin

Rewards for Urashiki Ninja Way[]

Level Reward
10 Killing others gives us the Shinju Pill.
20 Maximum chakra and chakra regeneration increased by (Chakra Collected).
30 We get access to the Hyuuga clan techniques.
40 Maximum energy and energy regeneration increased by (Chakra collected).
50 We get access to the Otsutsuki clan techniques and the Otsutsuki chakra.
60 Ranged damage is increased by (Chakra collected).
70 We get the technique: Amenosubaruboshinomikoto
80 We get the technique: Amenosubaruboshinomikoto Gyokko
90 We get the technique: Amenosubaruboshinomikoto Ryugu
100 Devouring a character increases ranged damage by (Lvl Kekkei Mora * 15).


Icon Name Description Chakra W/C
Amenosubaruboshinomikoto We tear objects within 5 meters with projectiles that we direct towards them, dealing (Lvl Kekkei Mora * 150) damage with each of them, taking away (Lvl Kekkei Mora) chakra, and blocking access to the last used technique for a minute. 200 0/20
Amenosubaruboshinomikoto Gyokko We create a ball of energy 3 meters wide that, upon contact with the target, takes away (Lvl Kekkei Mora * 175) health, paralyzing it for (Lvl Kekkei Mora / 10) seconds. 150 0/20
Amenosubaruboshinomikoto Ryugu Send a serpent of chakra in the selected direction, which will silence objects within 5 meters for the next 5 seconds, and then deal (Lvl Kekkei Mora * 200) damage. 300 0/30